Have you been laid off or will be losing your group health insurance soon?

Don’t sign up for COBRA until you talk to us!

My company just laid me off or will be laying me off, can you help?

Absolutely! Everyone has a different situation so the best way to proceed is to send me a message with a little bit of your story, including the list of your favorite doctors and any expensive brand name medication that you are taking. Financial help may be available! Keep in mind that the plan’s start date will be the 1st of the month after you apply meaning that it doesn’t start right away (e.g. apply 4/2/20, insurance starts 5/1/20).

COBRA is super expensive, can you do better?

Most likely yes. COBRA is typically the full rate plus a 2% or 10% administrative fee. COBRA typically only makes sense for someone who has already met their annual maximum out-of-pocket, has many doctors that only accept group plans, or has doctors outside of California. The average person is not that person. Contact us for a free in-depth analysis.

I’m so lost, I never had to shop around for an individual/private plan.

We keep it simple, to the point, and we will be your insurance partner once you sign up with me. We are here to help you transition from your company plan to an individual plan and hopefully back to another company plan soon. Yes, it’s our goal that you find another awesome job with group health benefits so you pay even less. Good people do exist in this world…

Why is health insurance so complicated?

That’s a multi-billion dollar question. Nobody can give you a truthful straight answer.

Are you going to charge me a fee if I contact you or buy a plan from you?

Never. All our advice and services are FREE of charge. $0. Insurance companies pay us directly, your rate is the same whether you do it on your own or use an expert.